oldest tank

nm reef

Active Member
Check the links below for pictures of my lil 55 reef....added water to it on 1/1/2000...but I got it under the tree 2 years ago today......my wife is such a sweet heart...little did she know how much would go into developing it.:cool:

mr . salty

Active Member
My 130 is going on 4.Most of the fish in there have been in the tank most of that time...And my anemones also...Just lucky I guess,anemones do very well in my tank...


Active Member
My 55 is still a young un. One week from today it will be 1 year old. It was a new years baby. The 120 hasn't hatched yet;)

i like fish

I was going to ask the same question so I did a search and this is all I've found.
So who has the oldest reef tank? I think 64Ivy's is 5 years old.
Is anyone else close? If so what kind of setup? DSB, plenum, CC with undergravel filter? :D


Active Member
I have a lot of the same live rock and some of the sand I had 4 years ago. It was briefly a reef, then FOWLR, and I just switched it back to a reef November 1st '02. :cool:


I have had my same tank for 6 years now. Still have a lot of the original stuff. I had to get rid of my damsel about 4-5 months ago because he just became to aggressive. I had him for 5 1/2 years.
The only piece of equipment I have had to replace due to it just wearing out is the emporer 400 filter. It died about 7 months ago. I replaced it with the same thing.:)


I have had my tank for four years, but it was broken down and all inhabitats were placed in a 10 gallon twice--Once when I moved and once when i screwed up (i went on a trip and the water level dropped to the point where my return was shooting bubbles...Effectivly turned my display tank into a protien skimmer, so I tore it down and cleaned everything...Didnt lose a thing though!!) So, if you count the down time, its been up about a year.


i think i have the oldest tank in the bag...its been up for a whole 6 weeks!!!! lol it may not be the oldest but its not the youngest ;)