OMG - wife wants Lionfish


Active Member
We went to the LFS and she saw a dwarf lionfish and wanted me to get it. I said "no way" she said "why not? everything in the tank you picked out now I want something" I said "because if we got it then everything I got will be eaten" so she asked "Can I get my own tank for lionfish only?" I said "ok".
So cool, I get to setup another tank

She really likes the bowfront or corner so it will be a 55gallon acrylic with LR/LS. We really like the acrylic since I have a 90 and they will match.
The only thing in the tank will be lionfish. She wants a Volitan and a Radiata.
I have a few questions.
1. Can they be kept together if introduced at the same time or should we stay with one species?
2. Can any type of starfish be kept in the same tank?
3. This is probably dumb to ask but here goes. Are the any types of coral that can be kept with lionfish? I ask because if so then I will get MH lighting.
Thanks for any opinions and assistance...


Look into the sizes of these two lionfish a little more before you decide to put them in a 13" tank.


Active Member
Both, in my opinion, would be too large for a 55gal. tank. At minimum, the Radiata would need a 90gal, as they grow to aprox. 10" and the Volitan would need a 125 (and I'm being generous there), as they grow to 15" - 16". I had a 15" Volitan in my 200gal. and it still seemed too small. Imagine a basketball floating around in your tank and you get the idea.
You could go with a few Dwarf Lions, such as the Fuzzy, Zebra, Fu Manchu, etc.
Corals and starfish would be just fine for tank mates.


Active Member
Sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking. I did see some full grown Volitans in Vegas, I just didn't remember. A few of the dwarfs will work fine then


Active Member
I think you could get away with one, each, of the Dwarf Lions...Fuzzy, Zebra and Fu Manchu (which are my favs). The Fu Manchu doesnt have that great of a survival but I've seen plenty that did fantastic, as long as you make sure they're eating before they leave the LFS.


Active Member
We would just get 2 in their own tank with maybe a sand sifting goby or starfish, cleaner crew (if they can survive), maybe a few corals down the line. but at least I can plan for the Mh lighting also.
By the way the tank dimensions are 36"L x 18W x 20H


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Volitan would need a 125 (and I'm being generous there), as they grow to 15" - 16"
i'd like to add that they reach that full size in about 18 months, so keeping one until it gets too big seems silly.


New Member
I wouldn't do the sand sifter Goby, would be too easy of a meal for a lion (any slender fish are). Fu Manchu's are awesome! I got one online since none of the local fish stores carry them and they can special order one for way more than their price online, but anyway it came in awesome. Beautiful color and I got it trained onto frozen foods in no time! It eats like a little pig and is really active! I vote you definitely get a Fu Manchu and then either the Dwarf Fuzzy or Dwarf Zebra. Anyway hope this helps and good luck!


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback, it has really been helpfull. I will let you all know what we end up with. We are still looking at the tanks at this point so it will be awhile before we get to the fish part.