? on featherdusters


i put one in my tank about two months ago and he slowly fadded away. i didnt put any plankton in but did feed the fish a combo of frozen foods that had some in it. i had trouble with the scarlet crabs eating on the bottom of his tube. maybe this is what did him in. my water parameters were all in range so im not sure what happened with him. any one else loose a feather duster? i always had good luck with my fish and thought i would venture out and get a fd but it didnt go so well. maybe after doing some more research ill try it again someday if i figure out what i did wrong.


I lost both of my feather dusters for some reason. People told me of possible killers: hermitts, which you have, and bristle worm. I thought I didn't have any of them, until couple of days ago I found a dead black wormy type of thing in my tank. Also butterfly fish is another common predator of feather duster.


New Member
hello there.....
have u try any food supply for it. i'll have try a TetraMarin InverteMin a concentrated food formula for all invertebrates. it enhance with a vitamin c amino acid for the feather duster.


Active Member
are you running a skimmer?
if so, then you definitely should be supplying it with plankton( i would even turn off the skimmer while feeding it too), even if it is in the food, the skimmer will remove ti and it won't get much if any food at all
now this is just one possible, sure the crabs could also be a problem to, as well as water conditions, feather dusters are hearty inverts, but water could still be detrimental to them aas well, especilly if you used coper in the tank at ny time
now my father keeps featherdusters and his will (so he says) blow its top (the feathers) then it will move and build another tube for itself. then after about a month it will pop back out.but i dont raise them. just thought that I would give to that little bit af information.