? on lighting


I'm just starting a new tank it's 125 gal. My ? is are the JEBO light fixure any good it's 384 w . Right now I only have LR and some fish , but if I want to go to a reef tank is this ok ? Thanks alot guys ............


Think about what it is regarding corals that you want to keep, thats the first step. The build the proper lighting around that.
For instance if you want to keep clams or stonies then you will need a metal halide setup.


Need feed back from you guys . I just started this and I just wanted a fish only tank , but I always like to plan ahead . I spend a boat load of money so far , so I have to pace myself before I go broke . Small steps .....My tank still is cycling . It took 5 weeks just for the ammonia stage . I don't know if I can spend big money on MH light for a 125 gal tank . The price on the JEBO light I can .


Active Member
Jebo is a cheaper light that I have. so far I like it. It fit my budget and allowed me to get started on my reef tank a lot sooner than if I would have had to wait for more expensive MH. Some people on this board like them, others hate them. I personally like my 36in and it has done me good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
Jebo is a cheaper light that I have. so far I like it. It fit my budget and allowed me to get started on my reef tank a lot sooner than if I would have had to wait for more expensive MH. Some people on this board like them, others hate them. I personally like my 36in and it has done me good.
Yup, I like my Odyssea lights as well.


i have a 10g tank...........i need to no if this lighting is rigth for it ..........i have a dual lamp it puts 10.000k out


Active Member
I like my Odyessa set up as well. I have 130 watts of PC and now they are selling MH set ups as well. Even T-5. I have a website I bought from email me at miketracyowens at entouch dot net and I will give you the website. I think on my next set up (120 gallon) I will buy a MH set up from them and save up for a nicer one (just in case). That way I will have the MH and can go ahead and get the things that I want and if something happens I will have the money to get a nice set up. I know that in a couple of months it will be time to change my bulbs in my PC set up and I will get better bulbs than what came with my Odyessa set up. My 2cents :)