????on PH


Hello everyone,
I am a Newbie and I am getting ready to set up a 55G tank.I have done quite a bit of reading over the last couple of months and think I am ready to start. I am waiting for my overflow to arrive to actually put it all together. My question is: How many PH's and what size do you recomend for a 55G tank? I think I want Maxi-Jet because I heard they were better then the Rios.


Active Member
Maxi jets are great. I have never had a problem with rios exept for the darn suction cups, but lots of other people wish fire and brimstone would wipe out rioland. I have 1200's and wish that I would have bought 900's, The 900's use almost 1/3 the power and only move 60gph less I think. They produce less heat two. I would go with one 900 in each corner blowing towards the center front of the tank and very slightly down. Then i would place one smaller powerhead in the back to move move water through the back. Just make sure that you can access the back powerhead easily for cleaning.


Thanks Jlem do you like the magnum 350? I have one and was going to use it but I got a good deal on a premade refugium so I decided to go with a sump set up instead of power filtration.


Active Member
I love the 350. But I use carbon 24/7 and change out about 6 oz each month. I also have lots of live rock a very light bioload( purple tang, flame angel, tomato clown and yellow tail damsel ). I also have the usual compilation of shrimp, starfish, snails and crabs. I feed my fish only once aday and the food is gone within 45 seconds. Once a week I put about a nickle size piece of shrimp into the tank for my big briitle star. My tank I feel is fed alot lighter than most. I only dose calcium and buffer and do biweekly 10 gallon changes to keep up the trace elements. You could run the 350 for awhile and see how things go or even throw it on every couple weeks for a few days with some carbon to remove any color that may ting the tank. Filtration is so vague and nothing is the holy grail. I was gone for three months over seas last year and nothing died except for an old cleaner shrimp with my wife taking care of it. I am currently in sicily with the military and the tank is doing great according to my wife ( of course she may just be telling me what I want to hear ) A refugium works great if your tank is producing more nutrients and waste than your reef can utilize. I wish I had better advice but I have never had a refugium and to this day haven't needed one.