? on reading tests


Active Member
I got a new kit to test my water. Not the dip stick kind, the mad scientist kind
with the test tubes and all.
So- when I went to open my amonia solution #2 it was all dried stuff on the cover like crusted crunchy stuff. Should I bring it back or is it still good? When I shook it there wasn't any crunchy pieces inside, it was just around the cap.
ANother question:
when I compare the test tube with the card (in the sunlight) do I actually touch the glass to the card or leave space? The reason I ask is there is a big difference between the twol. If I actually touch the card to the tube the nitrate is 20. If I leave a space it comes out 0.


the solution for the ammonia test kit.... yes the crust around the cap is fine. just dried up solution. as long as you have liquid coming out without chunks or anything your good.
and with the test kit... you shoulndt see that big of a difference. go into a good lighted room. and hold it up to the card. 0-20 is a big diff. and as you go on youll know the correct colors without looking at card. shouldnt make that much of a diff.


Active Member
I had it in a well lit room and read it in front of the window. When I placed it next to the card touching it was dark orange=20 and if I moved it out even 1/2 and inch from the card it was bright yellow=0. so I'm not sure which is correct.
i'm glad the amonia is good though, I paid almost 40$ for the whole kit


lol hmmmm wierd... well i would stick with the color touching the card.
and my ammonia solution does the same crust.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
place it against sumthing white
Like the card.
Stand with a bright light behind you, and hold the tube up against the card, and if possible, a white wall. This will give you the most accurate reading.