

"Anyone else keep natural tanks??" u know sand, rock fish and water collected from the local beach or island?? or any inhabitants that you caught that you keep in you rmain displays? ***)


I used to keep a 75g fresh tank with natural life from the lakes near me. Minnows, northern pike, perch, crayfish, snails, tadpoles, tiger salamanders, a turtle, aswell as aquatic milfoil and water lilies. Let everything go in the late summer, not to mention pike and perch growth rates bring the panther grouper to shame!


No, unfortunately I havnt had time to set it up in the spring the last 3 years (university eating up too much of my free time). All I did was go to the lake 20mins from my house with a drift net. Then some evening after dark when it was spitting out the ground is COVERED in different amphibians near the creeks about 5min walk from my house so I grab a few. Did that every spring since I was like 10 years old.


alright well here is one of mine, new 29g
My two New Echinaster Spinulosus-not to be confused with my mated pair
My chub, i have another slightly different one but he wont come out of hiding
And lastly their tank( during a water change thus the cloudiness and low water level)
All natural from Le Gulf De Mexico
Come on I know others are keeping wild tanks!



Where are you from in Canada? I live in Utah now, but I grew up in and lived in Toronto until I was 28.
Your statement about your freshwater tank adventures reminds me of the lake we used to trailer camp on as a kid. ( Pigeon Lake, just outside of Bobcaygeon in Ontario. )