One after the other. Going nuts.......


New Member
Alright guys. As you all know I slowly started adding live corals about a few months ago after years only rasing fishes. I managed to minimize the first problem i had with cyanobacteria. For the last week I Cut down on my feeding from every other day to every 3 days. My lighting was cut down from 12 to 5 hours aday for the last 2 days.
Now im noticing these really tiny white lice looking things. Its so small that I tried taking pictures using macro but came out unsuccessful. They are the size of hair tip. They look just like lice but white. What the heck are they? They seem to all gather in the glass in groups. Are they dangerous? It got me scare to were I had to removed most of the fish to another 30gal. tank.


New Member
Originally Posted by emm0909
little feather dusters or worms on the glass?
they look like lice. Move very fast. Gathers in groups


New Member
Originally Posted by BIGREEFER
Might they be copopods? They are crazy lookin and can grow to big numbers if nothing eats them.
whats a cocopods? What livestock eats them?. My fishes include:
Yellow tang
hippo tang (blue tang)
sailfin tang
Skunk clown
tomatoe clown
Yellow tail damsels (god only know how i hate this fish)


New Member
took a water sample to my favorite fish store. they id it as copepods. She praised me for having healthy water environment. Thanks guys.............what next..
I need to know what fishes eats these things? reef safe


New Member
Any fish that scavenges, or picks at rocks will end up eating some of these little critters. I am not sure why you are so eager to get rid of them. This has typically enabled me to feed my tank less. I have a yellow watchman who has maintained his girth for over two years. I don't feed him that much, i do notice him pickin at the rocks and sand. So I assume that he is eating copepods, amphipods, or anything else that happens to grow.