One day he's here, the next GONE


New Member
Hi there! So in my 40 gallon tank i put the first fish in there to test it out (6 chromis, 3 blue/green, 3 yellow with a black stripe) and after 2 days, one disappears... I found this so trippy so I search the tank and the floor and NOTHING... So today (around 5 days later) i found a fish skeleton burried beneath a rock.. and now i've notice that I only have 1 blue/green chromis and 2 yellow black stripped... WTF?! I looked around the tank and moved rocks (creating a huge dust storm) and only found the little skeleton.. I am freaking out because tomorrow since my levels are all absolutely pure, I was going to buy 2 ocellaris clownfish which i am so excited about. Now I'm so unsure. HELP??? hahaha i need help..


Well-Known Member
Without knowing anything about your tank, or your procedures (isolation, qt, cycle, etc.) it isn't unusual for chromis, even though considered to be very peaceful tank inhabitants, to kill off some of the weaker members of the schoal as they establish their pecking order.. I would not have added the chromis as the first fish in the tank since it is a big jump in bioload for a newly established tank, and I think (opinion, only) that having other fish activity can reduce the tendency of the chromis to attack each other while establishing themselves.Slow down, give the schoal a chance to stabilize before adding more fish. Don't be surprised if your group gets reduced to one or two fish - that has happened to me several times while trying to establish a schoal of chromis in my 220 gallon system.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. People think there very peaceful fish and they are w other fish but not each other lol