ONE Fish

So I'm thinking about making my tank a one fish tank. What would be an awesome fish to get? All I have are hermits, snails and a serpent star.


Active Member
did you figure out what killed everything? if not I would do this before getting more. remember patience


Don't..I repeat...don't purchase any fish until you find the reason why your other fish died. You're only wasting money ...which leads to frustration. Do a good water change with RO water and then test water in a couple of weeks.
Originally Posted by sparkee61
Don't..I repeat...don't purchase any fish until you find the reason why your other fish died. You're only wasting money ...which leads to frustration. Do a good water change with RO water and then test water in a couple of weeks.
I'm not buying any fish anytime soon, probably not for another month or so. I just wanted everyone's opinion so I can start thinking about what I want to do.


Active Member
A nice leaf (scorpian) fish Taenianotus triacanthus
A dwarf lionfish Dendrochirus zebra or Dendrochirus brachypterus
A Yellow Angler Fish Antennarius maculatus
or a Black Angler Fish
Antennarius commersoni
or a Red/Orange Angler Fish
Antennarius sp.


Originally Posted by spanko
A nice leaf (scorpian) fish Taenianotus triacanthus
A dwarf lionfish Dendrochirus zebra or Dendrochirus brachypterus
A Yellow Angler Fish Antennarius maculatus
or a Black Angler Fish
Antennarius commersoni
or a Red/Orange Angler Fish
Antennarius sp.

a dwarf lion

or do a breeder tank with cardinals


New Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I'd get a frogfish but thats just me

im voting frogfish....i watched a video on youtube with person has 3 frogfish in one tank and they love each other...names brock, lee, cheese!!!
im looking into getting a 20 gallon fish tank to try white frogfish.


+1 on the dwarf lion! and I would still add one or two more things just for some more movement and color. P.S make sure they are about the size of the lion or they might go missing.