One Last Puffer Compatability ?

The guy I'm buying my new tank off of tomorrow has a puffer fish and wants me to take it for $20. I can't put it in the new tank because I'm not setting it up until the summer which means I'd have to put it in my current tank. In there is:
Sailfin Tang
Mand. Gobie
Percula Clown
Would it be ok with these? I know its a puffer, but I figured I'd give it a shot. Thanks...


Active Member
i sent you a pm with some info on them, but seeing your fish list i would say dont do it because your fish are small so they will most likely end up as food


Active Member
gosh its crap that i have to wail like 200 ( and some change ) seconds befor sending another pm


yah how big is this puffer and what kind. i have a puffer in with a bicolor angel, some clowns and a goby and he does fine. just when the goby trys to take the puffers krill is when he gets mad.
second how big is your tank currently? and what filtration. they are messy eaters. its not impossible but depends on the factors at hand.