One lr infested


I turned off my lights, & about 2 hr later started looking for copepods with a flash light. I found a live rock with about 15 thin worm like things. No camera , so they are about 1 + inches long, about the dia. of a sewing needle.They never come all the way out of the lr but move all the time.They just seem to be in one lr, or theres to much current on the other rocks.Any idea what they could be? I already looked at the hitchhiker thread.


Active Member
Chances are you have bristle worms. It is hard to say though because there are many different types of worms and without a picture it can be one of any.


Active Member
I've heard those worms are harmless and it's good for your tank. They'll become fish food! My butterfly would LOVE to get ahold of something like that!!


Active Member
Are they whiteish colored.........perhaps they are spaghetti worms. My LR is full of them.......the worm itself stays in the rock in a hole,and puts out these long spaghetti like feelers. One sure sign if its a spaghetti worm is if you watch it close you can see particles of sand etc moving up these arms into the hole......A bristle wrom is oging to have multiple leggs on it like a millipede or centepeded does, so if the worm like things are smooth they sure are not bristle worms


they might be peanut worms, I have some in my live rock also. Look them up in the hitchiker section.