One More Day


Active Member
I jsut got a call from my boss.. and asks me if i can fill in every friday for one kid.. and sure enough i took it.. now that means i have upped by profit by mroe than 100%.. prob about 150%. and i still have sunday's


Active Member
I'm loving it there.. pays good.. boss likes me.. co workers like me.. 1/2 price food except steak and sea food ... i love their burgers though. 1/2 the money i make there goes to my fish tank. the other half goes to the bank

nemo lover

A resturant bussiness is very hard work. The money is good but its not a good career. The staff-non realiable, you never know if your gonna be bussy or not. and the seasons ..... suck!! But the money is good.


Active Member
seasons rock! you have to look at it from his perspective $$$$
Busy = not being bored and making money
Fishman...keep it up d00d. Maybe you will become a server when you turn 18 and then you get even more money!
I am pretty much in the same situation as you at my restaraunt.
Albeit im not in fine dining but boss likes me and respects me more than any other dirtheads that he employs.
keep it up bro!

nemo lover

I don't know how you seasons are. But here in Florida slow season sucks. I was raised in a resuraunt(my parents). I myself was in this bussiness for years I have been a busgirl, foodrunner, prep cook, shortorder
cook, line cook, expediter, waitress, deli slicer, cashier/hostess, and manager. It is alot of work and alot of the customers here are miserable, They wanna come in at 8:00 and get the 5:00 early bird,
or they'll eat all there food on there plate and turn around and say it was horrible and they don't wanna pay for it!


Active Member
thats when you say....well sorry but if you ate it al it couldnt have been bad.
i was talking about seasonal days like christmas time and mothers day and stuff like that

nemo lover

I personally have practically thrown some people out the door. We used to get alot or weird o's around here.
Yeah busy season is great. But it is also bad. All the resturants I have worked were open 365 day a year. I would work on all the holidays Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, 4th of july,Halloween, Easter, Passover, Roshoshahna. Granted you make loot but I always missed my family. I have children and this type of job isn't really a good job for people who like to spend there hollidays with there family. With my parents resturant it was different because all the family would gather at our resturant for the holidays and all the employees and have dinner together.(after hours of corse).


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
seasons rock! you have to look at it from his perspective $$$$
Busy = not being bored and making money
Fishman...keep it up d00d. Maybe you will become a server when you turn 18 and then you get even more money!
I am pretty much in the same situation as you at my restaraunt.
Albeit im not in fine dining but boss likes me and respects me more than any other dirtheads that he employs.
keep it up bro!

food runner.. i can do that now..


Active Member
i have full support fro m my parents.. and they're very proud that i rose up above the other 4 or 5 bussers and got asked to do a friday night for the best busser there.. so that leaves me to be the best one while he's away

nemo lover

Congrats fishman830- Im glad you get lots of support from your parents. And I take you are being a very responceable man.