One more fish


Hello all: I'm trying to wrap up the fish in my tank and wanted to ask a question:
I've gota 30 gallon tank with about 25 pounds of LR. I have one blue damel and two clown fish. I was thinking of added a yellow tang to complete a really colorful tank. Do you all think this will be ok? I didn't want to overload my tank.


30 gallon is a little small for a tang! Id say smallest tank with 1 tang would be about 55 gallons. IMO


Active Member
I would strongly advise against ANY type of tang in a 30 gallon tank, MUCH MUCH MUCH too small of a tank for that fish.


Active Member
Are there any corals in your tank? If not, have you considerd any of the dwarf angels? bicolor angel, coral beauty, and flame angel are very colorful and would fit in your tank...though I would remove the damsel if it were me.


Active Member
Too small for a tang but, you could add another colorful fish if you want. How about a goby of some kind? Firefish are colorful. Royal gramma, bi-color psuedochromis, six-line wrasse, Pijama Cardinal. The possiblilities are wide but, you can't put big large fish in there. If you were to remove the damsel..........your possibilities of new fish are even better. The damsel will harass many of the smaller fish for your tank. Research each fish that you think of adding to see if your tank can handle it or the fish can handle your tank.
BTW- Welcome to the board.
If you want a yellow fish, how about:
Dwarf lemon peel angel
Citron Clown Goby
Firefish (orange/yellow)
Royal or diadema gramma (both are purple/yellow)
Many varieties of wrasse and grammas (basslets) are very colorful
Your options are very numerous, just make sure the fish won't outgrow your tank.
Good luck..MCF


Yeah I noticed the damel harassing my clown fish. I ordered an anemone for SWF and am hoping it will be here tomorrow. Hopefully that will give the clowns some protection. I'll check into some of the suggestions. Thanks!


Active Member
That damsel will only get worse with time...the anemone won't stop him...damsels make use of anemone's too...they are related to clownfish.


Active Member
flame hawk is nice and red, depending on your sandbed depth a yellowheaded jawfish, lemon peel angel only if no corals, etc, all the above are great fish as well!
good luck


Any suggestions about the damsel? I had him in the tank to cycle and feel bad about just flushing him. Anyone in the Atlanta area here want one?


Active Member
Don't flush him...most LFS will take him on credit....would only be a couple bucks but I would never flush a live fish.