One more question about southdown?


I have a one inch thick sand bed right now with just water and it in the tank. I want to add three inches of southdown to it. Do I just pour it on top of the live sand i have in there right now. Do i take out the live sand and them place it on top of the southdown?
Most importantly is southdown safe and does it work?

fish fry

I would just add it on top. Over time the bacteria and critters will from the LS will populate the SD.
If you have a pipe or tube you might be able to pour the sand into that to minimize the initial cloudiness you will get.
I was careful when I added my sand and yet i still couldn't see more than an inch into the tank. Give it a week and it will clear.
Fish Fry


Active Member
southdown is completely safe, it is really aragonite, which IMO opinion is the best thing you can use for a sw set up, if your current bed is not live, and have no livestock, add it and it will settle, if it is live, adding more than one inch at a time may kill off your bacteria(which ou do want)