One more question!


My sand bed was looking sort of dingy and I read online and was told from my LFS to get a sand sifting star to help out. Well, now I read on here that he may not have enough food and will eat beneficial things in the sand.
I would take him back but I feel bad because he would likely suffer the same fate at the LFS or at someone elses house.
Anyway last night he was very active, climbing up the glass and rocks, probably looking for food. I got some cyclopeeze and squirted a small amount ontop of the sand and then put the star on top of it. He didn't seem to eat any of it...he just quickly moved away. I read that you could feed them raw shrimp cut into pieces. I would think it would pollute the tank but Im willing to try anything that will make him happy!
Anyone else know anything I can feed the little guy? And if so, is putting him ontop of the food in the sand the correct way to go about it?
Hopefully I can make it so the starfish won't starve!


Active Member
What size tank and how much of the tank floor is covered with sand? How long has the tank been set up as this will determine the amount of food available.
From what I've seen most will eventually starve to death, but I've never considered methods of feeding them.
Good Luck!


Its a 55 gallon tank about 2 months old.....theres a DSB of about 3-4 inches (approx. 60lbs sand) with 58lbs live rock. There is a cleanup crew and 2 small percula clowns and thats all that are in there right now.
My LFS said try and put a few pellets on top of the sand bed twice a week but the clowns typically go straight for it and i think the starfish would have trouble finding it.
Thank you!


Active Member
I'd pass on the star. It will be a slow death unless someone has conquered the spot feeding technique.


Active Member
Few will take to spot feeding but I would try anything that comes to mind. It is the only chance. I imagine now and again it works. I wish it worked more often :(


Active Member
Well I mistakenly took the advice of the LFS when my sand bed needed a lift. They told me the sand sifting star would do it. By the time I got home with him his arms were off and he was kinda like mush. I put him in the tank in hopes that he might make it, but I haven't seen him since. That has been about a month. I don't know maybe he is in the sand trying to recoop. Either that or my crabs got a great meal.