So I setup a 115g 5foot tank for a friend of mine. It's completely cicled and ready to go. I was just wondering what AGGRESSIVE fish he could put in his tank. This is a list of fish that he likes from 1 through 10.
Volitans Lionfish 10
SnowFlake Eel 10
Powder Blue Tang 8
Frogfish 8
Emperor Angel 9
Harlequin Tuskfish 7
The volitans and the eel are for sure. so any suggestions. I don't think that a harlequin would be a good idea though.
Volitans Lionfish 10
SnowFlake Eel 10
Powder Blue Tang 8
Frogfish 8
Emperor Angel 9
Harlequin Tuskfish 7
The volitans and the eel are for sure. so any suggestions. I don't think that a harlequin would be a good idea though.