one more tankmate


i currently have
2x 3 stripe damsels
blue spot puffer
pair of maroon clowns
i am picking up a huma in 2 days and seeing as this is my last fish i'd also like to get 1 more before i add him.
any suggestions as to what i could add?
also whats good as a cleanup crew for this tank?


its around 100gal (bowfront) with a canister filter berlin classic skimmer and around 90-100 pounds of live rock


be prepared for trouble. the huma can potentially be extremely dangerous. You may not have any problems, but if you read some past threads about the huma you will see what I mean. They can be perfectly fine for years and then all of a sudden just snap and kill everyone. Maybe even your sfe. sounds crazy, but check it out.


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
be prepared for trouble. the huma can potentially be extremely dangerous. You may not have any problems, but if you read some past threads about the huma you will see what I mean. They can be perfectly fine for years and then all of a sudden just snap and kill everyone. Maybe even your sfe. sounds crazy, but check it out.
yes i am fully aware of what humas can do. thankyou for your input but i only want my questions answered please.


sorry bud.
just some friendly advice. not everyone does their homework on here. i know i don't always research. anyway. good luck


I recommend a fuzzy dwarf if the maroon and damsels aren't too small. Fuzzies have a lot of personality and are always happy to see you.


Active Member
tho annularis r quite nice alot of large angels have been known to be very agg and get a bit large for a 100


i got myself an emperor angel. juvi about 3 inch
its doing well and so is the trigger, i had to rearrange my rock work to confuse the damsels as they were harrassing the angel and this trick has been very effective and now they leave him alone........ mind you he is standing up for himself now that he is settled