One of my False Per. died =[


I recently moved and either the stress of the move or fighting for tank space...did one in =[... But I would like to get one so the others not alone =[. The one in the tank now is about 1 year old. 2 inches or 2 1/2 with dark coloring. Do I need to look for a certain aged one or can I get a smaller one and he would become the female then ?


I'm sorry to hear your fp died, that's sad :(
I personally would try to find one that is about 1 1/2 inches. I'm pretty sure it's best not to put a very young fp with one so mature.
If I am wrong, someone please set me straight.
Take care,


could I put a black false perc. in you think or a true perc. maybe a pisaco one if they have one or something.....Also I noticed this morning that my Flame angel is picking on him and made him jump out or the water twice... =[... what do you think ?


Active Member
I think you should put the same kind of clown in. I lost my male a month ago, woke up he was stuck to a PH. I bought a smaller one Osc. Clown, the esisting female was pretty tough with him a few days now they are both happy and both hosting the BTA. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy http:///forum/thread/381809/one-of-my-false-per-died#post_3328295
could I put a black false perc. in you think or a true perc. maybe a pisaco one if they have one or something.....Also I noticed this morning that my Flame angel is picking on him and made him jump out or the water twice... =[... what do you think ?
You can put a different color variation in, as long as it is the same type.

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