one stupid blue leg


i ordered 20 scarlet crabs frow, and didn't have the heart to kill the one hitchhiker blue leg, now it seems it is just eating my turbos one snail at a time... i have no other problems in the tank,, water params are great.... fish are happy,,, corals are growing,, ya think this is why the snails are dieing off? the rest of the snails are migrating up the glass, ass if they know they are hunted.... could this one blue leg be the huge problem...?


New Member
I have loads of blue legs and caught one snacking on the others just the other day. Ever try to take food away from one of these guys? Needless to say I didn't have the heart to get rid of him so I threw him in the sump. He quickly made his way to the bio balls and is in heaven.


i think i like that idea, put him in my fuge.... will i need to do anything to ensure his happiness? like feed him?