one suicide, one MIA

reef dude

This morning i found a dried up clownfish on the rug behind my tank. I could swear that i have the back sealed up around my pre-filter box but somehow it must have found a way out. This is now my second clown that has jumped out in the same spot. I've had 3 total, and the one remaining is the very first one i bought, is he being aggressive? Sometimes he would chase the other one pretty bad.
ALSO, My yellow wrasse hasnt been seen in about a day now, hes usually ALWAYS, i repeat, ALWAYS out and about swimming around the rocks and such but now he is nowhere in sight!!! He burrows in the sand at night but comes out very early in the a.m.
should i start lifting up rocks?? if it is dead, or i dont see it in a few days, should i just presume its dead and leave its body in there or should i try to find it and take it out.
BTW - All water params are perfect!!!


One of two things happened here.
1. The wrasse is on the lamb due to pending murder charges against him from throwing the clown from the tank.
2. The clown didn't make it, but the wrasse did by hitching a ride to California.
Either way, you should look for him.
I would also question him on the disapearance of the other 2 clowns.