One tough fish


New Member
this sat i got 2 new pieces of live rock from my lfs. the girl there was real nice and wrapped them in newspaper and placed them in a shipping box. we got the rock home and were checking the box out for snails and such that may have fallen off the rock. while i was digging through the newspaper i saw 1 plastic bag. pulled it out and it was totally deflated and unopened. it had a large black base to it so i could not see in it. my first thought was that it had been over a week that the lfs got a new shippment, so there could be nothing alive in it. i was a little scared to open it cause i figured the smell would be way bad, so i cut it open and dumped it in a small bowl and just about crapped my shorts. out pops a 4.5 inch pink/blue shrimp gobby. it was almost all white but you could see a few colored spots on him. i quickly got a larger bowl to start to acclamate him. well its been 2 days now and most of his color is back and it is eating like a pig. this morning it was swimming around checking everyting out. it comes right to the front of the tank when he sees us. my wife says that it is trying to thank us for saving its life. i though i would like to share this store. rich


Awsome, Its great to hear of thing that happen like this. What an awsome fish, what kind of goby is it?


Active Member
That happened to me, which is why i have damsels in my 300gal. I thought i grabbed all the damsels out of my 65. Took the rock, put it in water move them downstairs...went and ate...come back, put the rocks in the tank...and out comes the damsels..