One True Percula, what next?


New Member
I have a 24 gallon Aquapond tank that has been cycling since the end of December. I have lots of live rock. Two weeks ago a True Percula was introduced, and doing well. When can I add something else, and what would go well with my percula? The mate died before the fish store got it to me. Thanks!


Welcome to the boards!! Wait another couple of weeks before adding another fish. Put together a list of smaller fish that you may want to add and we will give you some suggestions on which to add next.


I think you should wait at least 4-6 weeks between adding fish so that the tank can equilize. Also, you might want to consider setting up a QT if your going to adding fish so that all of your inhabitants stay very healthy....
There are several nice fish that you could have in your tank. You could get your clown a mate, and get one (maybe two) more fish. I had a bicolor blenny in my 24 gallon, and really liked him a lot. They have a ton of personality.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. What say, three other fish (kinds of fish) would you suggest I get other than the bicolor blenny? Should I get a "clean up" crew first? Do you include that into the number of fish, if you add, say, a crab or lawn mower blenny for the tank? What is the best type fish to go with the one I already have, the True Percula? All suggestions appreciated.