Online order


I ordered a bubble coral and the bubbles are real small. Do you think it got damaged in the mail and it came with a hitch hiker crab who looked like he could do some real damage to my coral so he probally did it but my question is will it grow back to a healthy coral?


Active Member
if given proper conditions, it should. that is, unless you ordered a peal bubble coral.... since the bubbles on those dont get large. lol


Now there is a cob web mold thingy growing off it. Whats up with that? Is it the tencales trying to grow back or is some disease. Please help I don't know if I should keep it what if it starts killing things in my tank. Please give me some advice thank you.


Active Member
wow.... that is pretty bad. what was wrong with the packaging?! that really shouldnt happen if it was sent overnight and packeged right, as well as having head packs.


I know its bad, but it was packed right and shipped over night. Will this one make it? I give it coral accel.


Here is my green bubble that I got on line, it wasn't even packed to good. Water leaked out, but it bubbled up and it huge. I just moved it out of the jar about 10 minutes ago. Added more LR and sand. Hope yours does ok, but it doesn't look good. Sorry

This picture was even after it got accidently sucked by the water hose, I was changing some water and accidently hit it.