It's the mods discretion. IMO the rules are not as clear as they could be, but basically, any online store of any kind, any online forums of any kind, anything not family friendly, or anything that readily links to other aquarium related sites is at risk of getting removed.
I used to have an aquarium web site that I ran that I was able to link to because I didn't sell anything and didn't run a forum. "Melev" on the other hand runs a site but he sells a few things, so linking to him is off limits.
It's gotten worse over time because people have abused every bit of leniency that used to exist to the point of it having to be taken away.
You can make references or hint people in the right direction to some extent, telling them what to google or referring to sites indirectly ("that famous auction site" and the like), but again, it's the mods discretion.
BTW.. generally not a good idea to post your email address directly in online message boards unless you want a lot of spam. SpamBots troll these sites looking for email addresses. It's best to obscure it like:
g-w-hunter (email symbol) sbcglobal (period) net (without the hypens)
Does that clear it up?