Onyx clowns


Do we have any members here that have Onyx Clowns? This is the clown pair i would like to purchase for my reef tank. They are tank bred from Rod at Rods Reef. I have seen pictures of these clowns and they look great in color. Does anyone know what type of tempermant they have? what type of anemone would they host in?


Active Member
id email the guy, i emailed him just before new years and he got back to me in like 2 days...his were to small for me to put in my tank with what i have so i decided not to get them. his link also hasa thread to this site talking about them.


I got 2 from in in October from him. When I got them they were 1/2 inch to 3/4 of an inch. Great guy and responds quickly. Accomodating also he usually doesn't like to have his fish delivered on Saturdays but he did it for me.
The 2 I got are doing great. One has a full 3rd stripe already and the other is just starting to get its 3rd bar. It also looks like this one might be a missbar. They are awesome fish. I have seen a full mature pair in a LFS and they are great. I can't wait till mine get that big.
When I got them I didn't have alot of flow in my tank for about 2 weeks so they had alot of time to recover from shipping since they were so small.
I feed them Rods food everyday. His food is some great stuff. I didn't think that they would survive when I got them because they were so small and I never dealt with fish that young before. But I think that his food is what made the difference.