

Active Member
Actually I think they look like False Ocellaris... the true percs have a bright orange ring around their pupils.. the false ocellaris have a darker one.. and one of them is a misbarred.. cool I have a B&W mis barred.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
They look like they may be juvenile black/white ocellaris clowns and will darken with age.
Agreed. These are onyx clowns in a juvenile state. They will get black as they get older. Just wait and you will be suprised.


Active Member
Hmmmm but B&W ocellaris are different that onyx perc's...
ccampbell called them onyx but he agreed with viper stating they are B&W's, I am confused. I have a juvenile B&W Ocellaris and it looks nothing like them.. They are totally Black and white from babies..with an orange face.. as they get older the orange spot on their face fades and they are totally black and white.


Active Member
Those are not Onyx clowns . They look like B&W Ocellaris clowns .True Onyx have different colorations and nothing like the clowns shown . Onyx have 80-90 % black on body , and other fins are bright orange with very thick outlines .
Here is a picture of True Onyx Perculas , these are a breeders which I have some of the babies from .