oodinium question


****** is the most common of all marine deseases and is also the most abused marine desease. Good question, both deseases will be controlled by fitting a UV filter to your system.


I meant of most questioned retailers, unfortunatly that't what they will tell you, your loved one has. Taking very timid action against, many times deadlier deseases. I've been doing this every day for 16 years and that's what I hear the most.
Once the fish is dead, saying sorry thats the only desease that I knew of that fit that discription. The only way to be sure is with asking places like this and even then the only sure fire way is to net, swab,and magnify the results.


I never said uv is the cure. Only treatment can cure any desease.
I said that it heps control these deseases and that is supported by most experienced aquariusts. Prevention is much better than cure with any desease, I hope you agree.