

New Member
We'll I thought I did something good
But I screwed up again I think, I took out a couple of pieces of tuffa rock i had in the tank and some dead coral rock that I guess was live now and when I did this, I also rearanged the figi that was in there(aquascaped). I'm ordering 25lbs of tonga branch, I had to make room that's why I took out those other rocks. But in the prosess I kinda stirred everything up. I did all this before work. When I came home The flowerpot was closed so was the frog spawn and both of my coral banded shrimp were DOA and so was my Anemone crab.
Did I screw up by removing the rock and stirring up all that stuff when i redid the aquascaping? I checked the water and I had a slight amonia spike very small 5ppm and nitrates At 20.

mr . salty

Active Member
Chanses are that by removing this rock,you also removed enogh of the denitrafying bacteria that the tank needs to go through a mini/Recycle to build up the bacteria needed to keep balance with your bioload...Kinda too late to do anything now...