Open brain coral releasing snot looking stuff


I have a green open brain coral. For the past day and a half it has not stop been releasing this white/clear snot looking strings of stuff. What is this?!?
This coral has done this before but very its all the time.
Anyone know what is going on ?


Active Member
Stonies dont normally slime unless they are pretty unhappy. If your shaking your head reading this post thinking "No way! many people say it, but my water is really stable and right at spec!" Then I would say it could be possible it is spawning, however that is very unlikley. So back to the slime idea, Any new addittions to the tank coral or otherwise to fighting with it?


only new adds are a sun coral and a couple of big rocks with shrooms on them but they are no where near the open brain..the only thing that can remotely touch it is a crocea thats about 7 inches..they touch occasionally when the brain expands really wide and the clams out also but other than that they dont touch..all other corals are doing just fine...the open brain hasnt been inflating like it normally does though and its just releasing slime that floats to the top of the water...I have no clue what this can be...any ideas? What type of water conditions would make this coral very unhappy when all my other corals-fish-inverts are doing fine?

aztec reef

Active Member
It means is totally stressed out, have there been any changes in water quality? how's your parameters? It shouldn't been doing this all the time.


i have a frogspawn right next to my bubble, they attacked each other at first then i use my turkey baster to break up the fight, they are both still in the same spot except they dont fight anymore. But it never realised white stringy stuff into the water like your brain coral.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
i have a frogspawn right next to my bubble, they attacked each other at first then i use my turkey baster to break up the fight, they are both still in the same spot except they dont fight anymore. But it never realised white stringy stuff into the water like your brain coral.
I find it very funny.
they might be in peace for a short while and back to same old battle if you don't move them a lil further a part.
Turkey baster won't solve that prob.


hmm i inspected the bottom no pest of anything except i found my sea hare and it scared teh crap out of me cause it was all camoed out and crawled on my finger....
But i see no reason as to why its stressed out as none of the other corals in my tank are doing anything like this..Also the brain coral has inflated back up now and all his little tentacles are comming out at night when i feed the tank. Still it snots! I have no clue.



Is there anyway possible microbubbles could be making the coral do this? Lately my return on my eheim has been producing micro bubbles. That is the only thing that is wrong with my tank right now as far as i knowof and can tell.


you might want to consider moving your Sun coral down under the rock ledge.
Sun coral and clam can never be arranged at the same level of light.
Sun Coral needs low light, med flow and needs to be target fed at least twice a week


Originally Posted by barchtruong
you might want to consider moving your Sun coral down under the rock ledge.
Sun coral and clam can never be arranged at the same level of light.
Sun Coral needs low light, med flow and needs to be target fed at least twice a week
Im not asking about my sun coral arangement in my tank. Im asking about my brain coral. I know where the sun coral goes. It was just fed and i had to turn the lights back on to take a pic and i sat him there instead of under that huge ledge you see the clam on. I was ina hurry to get the pic so basiclt that is the reason the sun is there. I assure you he will be mmoved back to its little nest.

Please lets try to stick to the subject at hand.
Thanks again


Active Member
Mine did this for a long time like once every couple months, probably when my parameters fluctuated, but it was always okay. When it finally died, it slimed over completely. It was bad.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Mine did this for a long time like once every couple months, probably when my parameters fluctuated, but it was always okay. When it finally died, it slimed over completely. It was bad.
Do you know if the "sliming" had anything to do with it when it finally died? Could this be a sign that it is dying? It now seems to be opening back up or inflating w/e you want to call it but still releasing slime :(


Active Member
I don't think it was in my case. Often times, after it would release a string of slime from its mouth, it would inflate and look bigger than ever.