I use to have my lights on for around 10-12 hours, but currenlty fighting a algea outbreak, so I had to tone the lights down to around 6-8.
I've tried feeding him in the past, but without to much luck. I've tried silversides, plankton, krill, a mixture of all 3(blended) and he doesn't seem to eat them.
I've upped my photoplankton dosing to possibly help out as he is somewhat.
I don't think he's dead yet, as he keeps changing from a darker brownish to white when the lights go out. No peeling of the skeloton or anything. I've moved him closer to the lights and we'll see how he reacts.
I'm wondering if I have to much waterflow for him. Although I've placed him in different waterflow conditions from very low to med. and he hasn't reacted.
I only user salfiert testing kits for my tank readings.