Open brain sand bed???


Ok, I have a few things to ask:
1) Are open brains a light demanding coral????
2) Do they REALLY need to be placed on a sand bed?
3) If they need to be placed on the sand would CC do because thats what i have. (I know i know AHHH CC but my tank is healthy and i figure don't fix whats not broken)
PS: Its a red open brain i am looking at if that healps....


Active Member
Yes you should place an open brain on the sand bed, as the rocks can irritate their bodies. I would assume they would be fine on CC but I cannot say that I am 100% sure on that.


Active Member
as long as its on a flat surface, it will be fine even if its not on the sandbed. they will need a decent amount of light.


Active Member
if pc lighting, i'd put it closer to the light. if t5, anywhere is fine. mh, put it at the bottom.


I have my neon green brain on my SB doing great my water quality is perfect and I have really good MH lighting.2x250 Phoenix lamps and 4x65 Actinics by Current.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
Ok, I have a few things to ask:
1) Are open brains a light demanding coral????
2) Do they REALLY need to be placed on a sand bed?
3) If they need to be placed on the sand would CC do because thats what i have. (I know i know AHHH CC but my tank is healthy and i figure don't fix whats not broken)
PS: Its a red open brain i am looking at if that healps....
I have CC and I have a read open brain. I have it in the sand bed. The reason that it needs sand is because it expans a ton outside of it's skeleton and putting it in the rock work can damage it. Good luck, they are cool corals! Don't forget to feed it!


I have 2 T-5HO 54Watt on a 48gal L48"xH18"xW12" would that be good???
Where would a good spot to place it???
What do they like to eat???


Active Member
thats not much light. u can start off on the sandbed, and see how it fairs. if it doesnt seem to like it, move it up on a flat piece of rock.


Active Member
I have mine on the bottom,crushed coral and I have only 3watts per gal. of CFL nad it is doing great!!! growing fast, my cuc don't bother it and it don't bother them. Good luck, they are very cool!! and they grow really fast, at least mine did


Active Member
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
I have 2 T-5HO 54Watt on a 48gal L48"xH18"xW12" would that be good???
Where would a good spot to place it???
What do they like to eat???
I feed mine chunks (pencil eraser size) of shrimp or scallops. It also likes Mysis and cyclopeeze. It is fun to feed.


Active Member
I just bought a red open brain last weekend. I was told they do not need to be fed by several different people....

If they need to be fed that is just fine, I don't mind.
Mine is on my sand bed, nano tank 10 gal under pc lighting and doing well I think.


Active Member
My brain does not need to be fed. I like to feed it! It is fun to give it a "treat" once or twice a week and watch it pull it in and swallow it. Very cool.


Well i went to the LFS today to buy the brain and it did not look good at all. I could see its skeleton.
Do you think if i bought it would come back and survive?????