Open Brainer


New Member
Hello everyone!
I finally got the open brain coral I wanted today. It's a very nice fluorescent green of about 1.5"-2" .
The person who sold it to me said I should consider adding Strontium and Calcium supplements to assure a healthy coral.
If anyone has an opinion on this matter, I would be more than happy to read it.
Thanx in advance;


Active Member
It's only necessary to add it if your tank is lacking it. Calcium is easy enough to test... just pick up a test kit at your LFS, or have the LFS test your water for you. Calcium should be maintained around 450ppm. I'm not sure if you can test for strontium though. Give us some details about your tank... size, how long has it been running, other corals, supplements you use, etc.
Have you water tested before you make any decisions. No sense dosing with supplements if your levels are ok.


New Member
Thanx for replying!
My tank is a 29gal with ±37lbs of LR,50/50 130w Power compact and has been running for 4 months. NO2=0, NO3=0, Ammo=0,PH=8.3,SG=1.024, Temp=80deg. Never sampled any other parameter. 1 Sally crab, 1 Coral Banded shrimp, 2 Perculas, 2 Banghaii, 1 6-lined wrasse, some snails and Blue-leg herms and a Sand-sifting star.Two days ago,the Open bainer, which seems fine right now.
One more question; has anyone used "KentEssential Elements" as a supplement?
Thanx again;


You definately want to add calcium. Not only will it help your corals, and shrimp, it will promote coralline algae, and lower hairline alge through competition with the desirable coralline. ;)