open green brain ?


I've had this green brain now for about a couple weeks now and I love it! What a trip so much life well it seems to be offgasing a what looks like a bubble in the shape of a inverted tear is rising off of it and looks like another is starting,has anyone ever heard of this ??


New Member
How big are they? If they are small they could be bubble algea??? I have seen this in pet stores and it is like a tear coming from the rock/coral to the water surface.


If the bubbles are forming under the tissue then it may be oxygen toxicity. This is when the coral is exposed to more light than it is used to and the zooxanthellae go nuts producing far more oxygen than the coral is used to or can handle. If this is the case (or even if it is something else causing the tears) then unfortunately your coral will probably die


It is surprising it may die the brain looks great it eats and lays out all over bigger than ever, the first and only bubble to compleatly rise off came through it and is gone now I thought there was going to be another but it seems to be dormant or something?