Open to Suggestions

bbq bill

New Member
I gotta change a few things w/ my tank. I started with crushed coral for a base finding out now that it wasn't the right thing to do. I'm having trouble fighting nitrite and can't get it under control.
So this weekend we're gonna get some livesand. How much is advised for a 55 gal. "long" ?
Also have an "Elite Hush" hang on filter. I been thinking of adding another filter like a decent "bio-wheel" plus a skimmer.
The idea is to make mini refugium from the "elite" and let the other filter this way i would have good water movement.
So i guess what I need is what would be my "bang for buck" for a hang-on skimmer and another filter?
Whadya think?


probably as for as sand goes i would do 2x 40lb bags of caribsea....ditch the hang on filters and get overflow boxes since i am assuming this is not a predrilled tank....use the overflow boxes and start a sump system under the aquarium...depending on what size sump you run you can have your refuge under the tank along with your skimmer and wont have to get another filter or use the one you have....but if you want to use it you can have it in the sump as well


Active Member
An Aqua Remora pro is a good skimmer for that tank size. They come in HOB and In sump (urchin)
You could also get an AquaClear 110 HOB filter and turn it in to a HOB fuge and fill it with same macro to help with the nitrates. Good call though taking out the crushed coral and replacing with sand.
Also, is the current HOB the only source of water movement? If so that could be part of your problem. If your water flow is too low then waste will settle in the crushed coral and cause lots of problems. The high water flow keeps that stuff in the water so it can be filtered out. You want to shoot for a minimum of 10x turn over up to 20x. I would add a couple powerheads for movement rather than a second filter.