ophiura please read


Active Member
Originally Posted by usinkit
Why not just delete the pictures and not the rest of the thread.
That makes sense to me, but you know the mods would still get complaints. (If you want them to see this; click on the red triangle to get their attention.)


Originally Posted by usinkit
Why not just delete the pictures and not the rest of the thread.
I agree too. But I guess they are just trying to keep people from getting offended. (that can't be easy)


Active Member
It takes a tremendous amount of time for us to moderate this board. It is a large and active board. We are all volunteers, and do this at work (at great risk!
)or on our off time. I am afraid that it shouldn't take a lot of time for us to moderate off topic threads...if that becomes an issue, then we have to reconsider having this forum.
It is easiest to close or delete them. I do hope people appreciate the situation we are often in, and that there is a time constraint in both sharing information and trying to keep things running smoothly. It is not an easy position, but deleting or closing a thread is not typically something personal. It is not in this case at all.

PS, Phixer...thank you for deleting that unecessary comment!