ophiura/ Starfish Questions.


Active Member
well ive read countless amounts of posts on the cc star, but i only found 2 ont he bahama star,,anyway here is my questions..
1.i just put them in my tank, there both cruising around the tank everywere! when should i try to feed them?
2. my SG is at 1.025 is that good? or should it be raised?
3. my water temp is at 77.5 is this o.k or should it go up bit? it only takes a little while to fluctuate my temp.
4.they eat polyps right? id ont have any but iw as goign to get some but i dont think i can with these guys!!
any other info you can give me would be great.. oh and BTW its a FOWLR tank
Thanks alot


I have 2 bahama stars. I feed them every other day. They love scallops and shrimp. I also saw them eat a little of the flake food. Mine are also vey active. Good luck with them I just love mine. :happyfish


Active Member
Bahama stars (aka Oreaster reticulatus) may not be extremely common in the hobby so far as I can tell. But it is possible that they come in as "general" stars or such. The coloration of juveniles is often totally different from the picture shown above. The smaller one's are greenish, beige - mottled (good camo for seagrass beds where they are commonly found!). They do get LARGE.
The similarities with chocolate chip and red African stars, both in the genus Protoreaster
is clear, as also seen in the similarity in scientific name.
I would consider them quite voracious predatory stars - should be very easy to spot feed
Yes, they would be a risk to just about anything that is a slow mover...including quite possibly other seastars and such. Feeding is very important (but may not prevent predation on other things). Keep the diet nice and diverse. You can try feeding now if you like.
The specific gravity sounds good. Don't go lower though. 1.025-1.026 is a great zone
Temperature tends to be a personal issue but I also would not go much lower than where you are at.


Active Member
thanks MAxy znd ophiura
once they go to a good position on my glass ill shoot some pics of them, they are ALL OVER the tank from crawling across the sand, to the live rock, to the glass. i will try to feed them some shrimp again. When i tried yesterday i didnt know how the heck to do it. there stuck to the glass so i just kind of held the food next to them as if they would smell or sense it but do you have to peel them off a bit then give it to them??


Active Member
What you can do is take a bit of food and put it on a bamboo skewer...lightly, but enough that it won't fly off. Then just put it right on the tips of the arms. They can "smell" this and should move to it.


Active Member
thanks again!!!!!
heres 2 more pics..i liek these guys alot!

this star moves across the sand FAST!!!


My cc star is all over my sand. I have a problem with this stringy brown algea and I think he is eating it. Is this normal for a cc star??
psusocr1 soeey for asking a question on your thread. I hope you don't mind but if you do you have my permission to flame.

BTW good looking stars!!


Active Member
iw ould never flame anyone for askign a related question to the topic on my thread. its not a big deala t all , plus im learning more about my animal as well...so ask away!!
and thanks for the compliments!!