

Active Member
I was just at the Montery Bay Aquarium and took 2 pictures for you, they are really cra--y because they did not want us to use a flash but here they are. If you are interested in the larger picture with more detail you can e-mail me at skschneider at adelphia dot net.



Active Member
I really want a "drooling" icon but this will have to do (though it is kinda the wrong message):

I believe I will write....
Thanks for posting!


Hi Scott
How are you? I tried responding to another post you wrote to me but I didn't hear from you. I have the Monterey Bay aquarium on our favorites list for the animal cams. My son and I watch them almost every night. I posted a question in the new hobby board today too. I've been MIA because family is in town. No time to play on the computer. Hope all's well at your end.