

Active Member
omg i absolutely love your site the intro the info i love it all!! I have it book marked and im reading all of the pages very inspiring!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MorayMike
Even though we don't always agree, she's a very good mod too

i guess ur refering to the bambo in a 125 gallon


Active Member
Its not my job to always agree
Thanks very much guys
I appreciate that. Sorry my ophiuroid site has not been updated in, um, years....some day I will have a nice home computer and something other than dial up and I'll be back to that. LOL. Bringing you the very latest in ophiuroid news, technology and gossip
But it is a good place to start learning about some fascinating critters.
For another (albeit somewhat more academic) echinoderm experience -
Visit the echinoderm newsletter (old version)...Ailsa's Section is probably the only part of interest to the general public. I think the echinoderm world records are still there so you can amaze your friends and family.


Pretty cool to have your own groupies (not to be confused with groupers), isn't it? So, can you like... get us discounts at swfish.com?


Active Member
yes...discounts that was my reason... i mean wasnt my reason for starting this thread

but really i like that site also not to much about the echinoderms themselves though


Active Member
No, if you mean the newsletter, it is more for actual echinoderm researchers. I had always wanted a more public section but never got around to it in that life. But some of it is fit for public consumption

No discounts. In fact, let me
for the implication....


Active Member
i go through all this work starting this thread and you cant give my a small 75% discount on metal halide lighting tisk tisk tisk ophiura very mean



Originally Posted by ophiura
No discounts. In fact, let me
for the implication....

You're such a tease...

Okay, let's put you on the spot... Given the choice, what thread would you respond to:
a) "My new rock beauty has white spots all over it"
b) "Can I keep a blue spotted ray in a 150 gallon?"
c) "How much lighting do I need for a anemone?"
d) "My skimmer isn't working"
e) "Help, my trigger ate my brittlestar"
You can only pick one


Active Member
it must be like choosing between her favorite child ( i know she doesnt have children, i dont think) for me probably trigger brittlestar


Active Member
Definitely the brittlestar, but it would also be the easiest and simplest to explain (eg "triggers are known predators of brittlestars") whereas several others require background that wouldn't be there, etc, etc. So I'm lazy all in all


Active Member
well how bout
trigger ate my brittlestar!!
just finished cycling off to get my linkia
just bought a green brittlestar!!! my seahorses will love him!!