ophuira please help!!!

55 gal newbie

New Member
my brittel is sick and needs help evryone said to see if you can help!his spines or i guess hair is falling off his legs,he has been in tank for about 3 weeks,he just stopped being active during feeding and does not leave spot unless you mess with him and he seems to weak to move around,the water test r fine,no other fish or crabs seem to be acting like this ,can you please help me


"bump" , "^^^",or "bumpy,bump" are meant to put the particular thread"question" back up to the "top of the list "..a push up ,Ya, know?;)


Active Member
Sorry, haven't been on the boards in a few weeks and just saw this. What is the latest news? What sort of brittle is it (color)? What sort of acclimation did you do?