Opinion: Glass or Acrylic?


New Member
Here's one of those very basic questions from someone at the VERY BEGINNING of this journey!!
In your opinion, what type of aquarium is better: glass or acrylic? We will be getting a 40 gal or 55 gal.


Active Member
I have an Acrylic and I have to admit. At first I was afraid, I was petrified........ of scratching it. But it really isn't a problem if you are cautious. Acrylic does scratch easy, but it insulates better, it's is stronger, it is more asthetically pleasing (IMO), and I read somewhere that it is 4% clearer than glass.
Shortly after I got my tank I thought I made a mistake by going with Acrylic, but now I am a fan.


Active Member
I am a glass fan myself. I don't think acrylic is clearer at all, but that is my opinion. And I like the feel of glass and I can't imagine trying to scrape coraline off of acrylic without being afraid of scratching it.


Active Member
from what i understand, Acrylic is easier scratched, but about has about ten times the structural integrity as glass. it also allows for more freedom with interesting shapes withour huge expense. just make sure you use acrylic mag floats etc etc, and watch sand particles in the magnets too


Active Member
I can't speak in terms of Saltwater, as I'm still working on getting my 125 gallon tank (also debating the glass/acrylic argument). BUT, I had a 10 gallon glass freshwater and went to a 12 gallon acrylic tank. I have never regretted it and LOVE my acrylic tank (I personally do think it's clearer and you don't get as much distortion). I also don't seem to have as much algae on the sides of my tank like I did with my glass (not a scientific study, just my experience.) Of course I've never had to deal with coral or sand scratching my glass. It is more expensive and so far my pricing is $500 for a glass 125 reef ready tank. The same thing in acrylic (with rounded corners and black background) is $900.
So I may be forced to go to glass. Good luck! (Oh, acrylic is also lighter, which is a plus.)
(Do a search for "acrylic" on this forum and you can read more opinions.)


Active Member
I was looking for a post from about one to 2 months ago that someone did a great job of explaining the differences and the pro and cons. I could not find it but try and do a search and see what you come up with.


Active Member
I took this from another website. Keep in mind that if an acrylic is finely scratched then it won't be clearer than unscratched glass. the same goes for glass, if it getsw scratched up badly it will loose clarity. But it is a fact that acrylic is optically clearer than glass.
Why Acrylic?
Acrylic Aquariums allow for some unique advantages over their glass counterparts:
The thermal forming construction process enables acrylic to take on elegant shapes with fewer seams.
Acrylic aquariums are engineered with appropriate thicknesses of acrylic so as to be structurally superior in every way.
All seams are molecularly bonded (not silicone glued) next to invisible, and guaranteed fail safe (with proper setup, care, and maintenance) by the manufacturer's warranty. Most are warranteed for a lifetime against leaking.
Acrylic aquariums are 17 times STRONGER and 50% LIGHTER than glass tanks.
Acrylic is CLEARER than glass; and, unlike glass, can easily be polished to remove any scratches which may occur.
Acrylic provides 20% superior insulation over glass.
I have a 90 gallon acrylic and won't ever own a glass because when they break it makes a big mess and I always worry that it might start leaking in the middle of the night so sometimes there are sleepless nights.


Active Member
I will never go back to glass.
When I set up an acrylic tank I hang a couple layers of thick plastic drop cloth down the inside. As far as cleaning goes, just use the things made for acrylic and make sure there's no sand or rock stuck on them.

el bob

ive heard acrylic scratches easy, but they insulate better, may be more astetically pleaseing, but I have glass, it works, doesnt scratch, i just wish glass was as lite as acrylic


Active Member
IMO its not worth the extra $ to go with an acrylic tank unless its a HUGE tank(since acrylic weighs less). Glass dosent scratch as easy as acrylic. I think glass dosent hold heat as well as acrylic, so it will take more to heat it up, but it wont overheat as easily as acrylic will. Glass is also cheaper than acrylic.


Active Member
All I had to know to sell me on acrylic is that;
1. Glass breaks acrylic doesn't
2. Glass uses silicone to seal the corners and edges making them candidates for leaking. Glass will eventually leak, it may take 10 years but it will since the silicone will eventually fail.
3. The new processes for making acrylic make them optically clearer and they don't yellow like in the past. Glass has a green tint to it.
4. Although acrylic scratches easily it is way easier to remove the scratches. If glass scratches it stays that way unless it's on the outside of the tank where you can use some of the fillers there are.
5. You can get a tank in any shape with any color background.
6. Acrylic costs more but lasts a lot longer, lighter, stronger, more insulating.
Hey wait, I said all that already!


Active Member
IMO for a small tank I would go glass, for a 125 or larger I would go acryllic for most of the reasons mentioned above. I propagate in my tank and am constantly shifting stuff so scratching is a real danger for me, if your setting up a display only tank then acrylic has some advantages, I just hate the small access holes and how much actual light get blocked by the top. because the acryllic does filter out some of the wavelenghts. but overall its not much of an issue.