Opinion on cpr refugium '' any takes "


Hey guys its been a while , how are you all doing . Its been raining in new york for weeks, now its time to be a fish.
Well I have a 90 gallon reef thats been up since oct and doing well , thinking of buying the hang on refugium by cpr , will it be enough to handle my tank or should I go with the rubbermaid type set up . Where and what do i buy to put in it.
new fish LINY


I went with the rubermaid setup for my 55. I use a LIFEREEF overflow with a mag 7 pump and love it. I split it to a fuge and sump. You can add .com to that caped word and see what he has.

blue dew

I have a tank 1/3 the size of yours and the smallest CPR Hang-On Refugium seems to be working well. Both Nitrite and Nitrate have been at zero after a month or so. I've got about 2 inches of sand with some small pieces of live rock and two types of macroalgae in the refugium. I'm using small feather leaf caulpera and a red branching algae (don't know the name of the red stuff). Lots of pods and worms in there too.
If I had a big tank like yours, I'd probably go with a much larger refugium since mine only holds 2 1/2 gallons. Hope this helps somewhat. I'm looking forward to that big tank someday when I've got the space.


I have not used one BUT, my friend put one on his tank he has a 75g FOWLR and he got a 12x14x4 from a guy on ---- for like $65 deliveried just needed a power head. He loves it, he has a dwarf lionfish that need live food and that keeps it going he hasnt feed the lionfish himself for about 4 months. Kinda funny when it is humgry it will goto the overflow tube and make a few passes then just go away. He put a few pieces of macro algae to help with nitrates and got a PC light to place over it. He did go and buy a refugium kit from an online vendor. I am planning on getting a 12x12x4 for my 55g FOWLR here shortly. If you email me or PM me and I will give the addresses for each of these.
PS they look exactly like the CPR brand just cheaper.
For a tank that big, and the $$ it would cost to buy a hang-on vs DIY refugium, my vote is for the DIY. You could go larger, meaning better nutrient processing with a larger sand bed/ more LR/ more macroalgae. You could vary the light cycle on the refugium without effecting the display if you choose. More pods, etc for live food. And, nothing to block the view of your tank. I feel that these hang-on refugiums are incredibly expensive for what you get/ get from them.
I made a great DIY refugium in the tank cabinet of my 125 gallon, and it cost me very little. I used a nearly clear plastic tub and I can look in and watch whats going on in there if I choose. It holds 125 lbs of LS. I have it elevated on a metal stand so that it gravity flows into my sump. Works great, was cheap. Leaves more $$ for other essentials for my tank;)
Good Luck,