opinion on new setup


New Member
I currently have a 55g tank that is in the shape of a quarter circle (corner tank). 27 inches on one wall, 27 inches along other wall, 27 inch radius from those points. Anyway, as I am typing, it is set up as freshwater. Only thing I have to do is find a home for my 8 inch Oscar and decide on equipment so I can convert this one into marine. I plan on a FOWLR, but maybe adding mushroom coral or something hardy at about 10 mo. to one year.
What I was wondering is this: I have been doing a LOT of research for the last month and a half (every minute not at work or sleeping), and I have come to the conclusion that I will need:
Protein skimmer= aqua-c remora
Lighting= Current USA Orbit 30" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/2 Lunar Lights
Live rock= approximately 80-90 lbs. ?
Live sand= 4 inches approximately 50 lbs. ? (Aragalive)
Powerheads= 2-Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Head 295 G.P.H. Total of 590 G.P.H.
Canister filter= Eheim 2026 pro 2 (do I even need one with all of the live filtration) (maybe for extra flow and occasionally carbon?)
I already have one0 watt heater, 140 gal mix of Instant Ocean Salt mix, a thermometer, and tow Whisper 20-40 hob filters.
I assume that the Whispers would be a pain for saltwater?
what else do I need or maybee change?
Replies would be very appreciated. Thank You!


Active Member

Originally posted by jstange2
Protein skimmer= aqua-c remora
Lighting= Current USA Orbit 30" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/2 Lunar Lights
>>>Good/OK for Fish only low light corals<<<
Live rock= approximately 80-90 lbs. ?
>>>Gonna depend on the size/shape/dencity (you want to leave room for fish)...maybe 60-70 lbs in a 54 gallon tank...<<<
Live sand= 4 inches approximately 50 lbs. ? (Aragalive)
>>>1 1/2" will be fine, unless you have researched, are aware of, and prepared to stock and maintain a proper DSB Micro Flora and Fauna ratio, for proper opperation<<<
Powerheads= 2-Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Head 295 G.P.H. Total of 590 G.P.H.
>>>Good for flow, corner tanks can be "tricky" with the "corners" blocking flow<<<
Canister filter= Eheim 2026 pro 2 (do I even need one with all of the live filtration) (maybe for extra flow and occasionally carbon?)
>>>(maybe for extra flow and occasionally carbon?)...:yes:<<<
I already have one0 watt heater, 140 gal mix of Instant Ocean Salt mix, a thermometer, and tow Whisper 20-40 hob filters.
I assume that the Whispers would be a pain for saltwater?
>>>Whispers not needed<<<
what else do I need or maybee change?
>>> Looks like you have a good start and have done well by "researching first...Good Luck...:D<<<
Replies would be very appreciated. Thank You!


if ur only keepin fowlr i dont think u need that much light, but u said u wannt keep corals then get it. i got 80lbs in my 55 so if u like a lot of rock 80lbs will be fine. u can get away with 50 im sure. powerheads good. skimmer i heard good things about. filter if u r goin to spend that much go with a wet dry. much better and u can hide ur skimmer and heater in it. or u can go with an aquaclear pro wet dry with skimmer and save some money. if money isnt a problem 50lbs live sand is good. if it is a problem get sand from home depot, 3 bucks and 20lbs live to seed it. just be careful not to get it to fine. test kits, hydrometer the hang on filters u dont need. and good luck!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by jobob
.... test kits, hydrometer the hang on filters u dont need. and good luck!!!

Test Kits you DO need...BOTH you guys...:yes:


Active Member
Since it is a corner tank he probly wont be able to put as mutch live rock in it like you would a rectangle or square tank. And you do "NEED" test kits and a hydrometer or instead of hydrometer a refracto metere <probly better to start with.


Active Member
As long as we're "narrowing" it down..definetly the "refractometer" rather than the hydrometer...:yes: