Opinion please


Does my 80 gallon fish tank look over stocked with coral or fish .
I have
2 medium hippo
2 small hippo
1 sixline wrasse
6 green chromis
2 dart fish
1 fire fish
1 flame angle
1 naso tang
2 pink skunk clowns
8 shrimps
1 sand sifting star fish
1 arrow crab
the yellow tang and demsals were taken out


is it an 80 gallon....it looks fine to me...maybe a little on the stocked side but not to bad....maybe remove a tang as they get bigger
nice tank


Can't tell exactly what you have in there. From what I can see it looks like you have:
2 Hippo Tangs
1 Yellow Tang
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Firefish
1 Clown
Several Damsels
IMO you're overstocked on your tangs. You might be able to get away with 1, but your really pushing it with 3. Your corals and rock are beautiful! However, it doesn't allow much swimming space for your tangs.


daceman89 you are the man.
Even to me your tanks seems overstock. Can you tell us some of your filtration secrets and how long your tank has been running


I have 2 tanks feeding off a reef devil protein skimmer in a sump. I also have a aqua uv light. I have the 80gallon you saw upstairs and right under it i have a 75gallon agressive tank with about 11 fish in it and thank god i have not had a problem for about 1 year 1/2 total years running 3 years. downstairs i have
1 hurquin tusk
1 porky puffer
1 fox fish
1 eight line wrasse which i'm getting rid of today
1 luner wrasse
1 big eyed squirl
1 yellow tang (the one i had upstairs)
1 salfin blenny (believe it or not)
1 bird wrasse
3 Mean ass damsels


I would say it is overstocked with tangs. I have a 72 gal. and I have a yellow 2 1/2" tang and a blue hippo tang 2" tang and I think it's to much. Going to have to get another tank for the blue hippo. They swim around nice now but it won't be long before they need more room. We are saving for a 215 gal.