opinion pole meanest damsel


Active Member
got me one angry sob he even tries to chase me little%#- he is a 2 stripe damsel he is always chasing my blue devil move the rock it don't matter i think he is insane :scared:


IME the 2-3 stripe or whatever you call them are mean
those bright blue's and the yellow tailed are a lil less aggresive and the domino is probably the least aggresive I've dealt with


Active Member
3 and 4 stripe damsels as juiveniles seem to be meaner than domino, yellow tail and common blue ones normally stocked at pet stores. there are more damsel types than I know so who knows, there's probably more that are just as aggressive or more.


My blue - yellow tailed damsel is definately a mean one, I had a royal gramma for around 8 months and he kept him in check then one day he went belly up
So now my damsel is the boss of the tank I put a few new fish in there and he did this hillarious "I'm the boss dance" of course the swipes he sometimes takes at other fish makes me a little angry but he never bites so I guess a little comfort can be taken in that.


New Member
it is amazing how these fish can take on there own personality , for good and most times bad. i have seen some dominos get really nasty once they get bigger. fish in a sense are like people give them something to fight over and they will ,, with fish its a rock , corner, powerhead , tubing,overflow box, open area , filter intake tube , or the whole tank which the fish thinks he owns, ,, :happyfish , and they fight to the death for it..