Opinions...Aqua-safe Canada RO/DI


Any opinions on this ro/di unit?
I was getting ready to purchase the typhoon III, but father's day has left me a little broke. Just took out Dad and the father-in-law for father's day - got'em both a gift - and now I don't think I can afford to buy the typhoon III model from air water ice. Plus, they've increased the price...I thought ro/di prices are supposed to come down in price ...not go up. Typhoon III now starts at 214.00.
Aqua-safe Canada starts at $99 for a ro/di 75G unit. Has anyone tried the product? Thanks.


Well Aqua safe units are made for drinking water systems only.
They try to sell them as reef systems but the sediment cartidges are just not the same. TDS is much much higher in a strictly drinking unit then a true Reef set up ro/di unit.
The true ro/di units cost more because the cartidges they use are more tightly woven and more expensive to buy or make.
If you buy the Aqua safe unit you might as well just buy a Doc well fish DI unit because that is about the quality of water your gonna get.


Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad I didn't order from them.
Do you have any recommendations? It seems almost everyone on this board says to go with air water ice. However, I was kind of bummed to find that they raised the price for the typhoon III. Not by much of course..I guess it went up from 199.00 to 214.99. Not including shipping of course. Thanks.


Unfortunately, I'll have to wait and save for a while before I can buy from this site. The ro/di units from kent are a little bit over my budget. Maybe next year when I get my tax return. Thanks.