Opinions needed


Hello all, haven't been on for a while. Recently received my brother-in-law's reef tank. He had it set up for about 3 1/2 years. Here is what I have, and then I'll ask my questions:
72 gal bow front, 2 6700k daylight & 2 7100k blue actinic power compact flourecents, cpr bakpak2, magnum 350 cansiter, 900 and 402 power heads, 80# l/r, 1/2" c/c in front of tank, 1 Perc. clown, 1 marroon clown, 1 yellow damsel, 1 spotted hawk, 1 bi-color psuedo chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded, 1 emerald crab, several blue legged and red legged hermits, some green mushrooms, 3 feather dusters, polyps, pulsating xenia.
1. Have heard around the grapevine that I don't need and shouldn't use the magnum 350, what do you think?
2. I have had the tank at my home for about 7 weeks. All the sudden the fish are getting very nasty, started picking on the maroon clown. Was told to move l/r around. How much of the rock do I re-arrange?
3. Yellow damsel is biting at a pulsating xenia, how do I stop that?
4. Two of the feather dusters came off and looks like they closed up. Was told that they are reproducing. How long does that take, and was there any reason for this to happen so quickly?
Oh, BTW water readings are:
Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate = -0-
Calcium = 350
Alk = low normal
ph 8.0
salinity .024
temp 79 - 82
I've been doing 15 gal h20 changes every three weeks.
Thanks for your time and input!! :)

salty james

1. I use one, and as long as you clean regularly no problems with Nitrates
2. I would say re-arrange about 1/4 of the LR. Enough so that it changes the fishes territories
3. Take Damsel to LFS for credit
4. Feather dusters heads fall off periodically, and will re-grow another. I would say that they are not reproducing though more like regenerating
Hope this Helps,