Opinions on my fuge needed.


New Member
Any suggestion are welcome. I am using a 29gl tank . The DSB will be in the longest area and will be about 5in deep. The flow thru the entire fuge will be around 550gl an hour. This will be for my 90gl RR tank. The rest of the flow will come from a closed loop setup and a few power heads.


Active Member
Looks good, except I would put your return pump in the left chamber and make the water flow from right to left. This way water entering your fuge will all flow in the right direction-down(no dead water). If you have your intake on the left side as presently set up, you will have a lot of dead water in the left chamber, that just sits there and not all is flowing as it should. By making the water that enters the fuge go down you will ensure no dead spots/water. With your return pump in the left chamber water will flow over the baffle and down into the return pump, ensuring no dead water once again. Hope this makes sense


New Member
Maybe I should just put another baffle on the left side, so water has to go down under the baffle and then over the next one.


Active Member
That would work, but in my opinion you are wasting space by doing so. If your skimmer is in your first chamber and your return pump is in your last chamber-you are conserving space for the actual fuge. Just a more efficient design to give you more space.


Active Member
Can't say I have ever heard that. I can't understand why that would be the case. My Chaeto grows very well being fed pre-skimmed H2O. Even at that, I seriously doubt every drop of H2O entering the actual fuge chamber has been skimmed. My nitrates and phosphate are both at zero since installing my fuge.


Active Member
Also, after looking at your measurements on your baffles-if your fuge in 18in high I wouldn't make the baffles more than 14in, just to be sure you don't create a flood. I see you have a 90 gallon DT and are making a 29 fuge. That should ensure you will not have any floods in the event of a power outage.


New Member
I will drop my baffle down to 14, I guess I can give up an inch. Nice looking fuge you got there. What size is it? Is it DIY? What size is your main tank? What type of macro algea do you have in there?
Thanks for all the advice by the way. I am so exicited about upgrading my tank, I just want to get it right.


Active Member
Thanks, it's a 20g long DIY fuge/sump. As you can see, I ripped out 2 of the baffels(2nd and 3rd from left. My DT is a 55g. I run Chaetomorpha for my algae-scrubber and I also have 3 mangroves.
No problem, I will attempt to give advice to anyone interested. I hope this helps you out
. Tonight I'll try and take a picture of my whole set-up once the sun goes down and post it afterwards.