opinions on nautilus TE skimmer


Active Member
ok. when I first bought my tank I purchased a used nautilus TE skimmer. now its rated for a 300g tank. it pulls some skimmate but nowhere near where I think it should be. what is everyones opinion on this skimmer, good or bad your not going to hurt my feelings.


Active Member
I have a Nautilus EX 24", and it doesn't do very good either. I have done a couple of mods to get it to skim better, but still not real happy with the end result. I have tried different pumps, venturi configurations(added one), nozzles and it still is sub-par with many of skimmers on the market now(it is about 5yrs. old now). I have a thread going now asking for opinions on some of the middle of the road skimmers(just to let you know what I've been looking at). Have a good one.


Active Member
yeah. It deffinitely seems subpar. luckily for me when I bought it I only paid 60 for it. I would be really POd if I had paid more