opinions on this seup I'm buying? replace crush coral with live sand?


I found a pretty nice 100 gallon setup near me that I am gonna buy next week. It has a sump, lighting, skimmer, pretty much everything. I forget the specifics but I will find out and let you guys know what the equipment is so you can tell me what you think of it.
I would like to add more LR and I was wondering if I should replace the crushed coral with sand. Obviously the sand wouldn't be live at first, would that damage anything if I just took out the crushed coral and put non-live sand in? or should I just leave the crushed coral? give me your opinions on the tank and what I should do with my substrate!
I also have to transport all this in my truck for about 23 miles. any ideas on this would be welcome!


Active Member
First off just so that you know this site does not allow posting to other websites that are competitors. You might want to edit your post and then post your pictures here.
Now would be a good time to change over you CC to LS. Do a search on here about changing out CC to LS or crushed coral to sand. You will find many posts on how to do it. Since you have to move the tank, now would be a good time to make the switch.
On this site they do not recommend mixing sand and CC. They work in 2 different ways and if you mix them together it will probabaly lead to problems.
You can also do a search on here on how to move a tank.


sorry, didnt know about linking to other sites, I just couldn't figure out how to post a pic here since I couldn't find a gallery.


Active Member
If you reply to this message down at the bottom of this box is a place to attach files. Click the browse button and surf your computer until you find the picture that you want to attach. You may have to resize your picture. I think a 4x6 picture will work out OK. You also may have to reduce the pixels per inch because there is size limit on the size you can attach.
Fool around with it a little bit and see if you can get it to work. You can aways edit your post if the picture does not turn out right.


As far as the sand goes, I'd try to get a few cups of the CC right now, and start curing the sand... that way, your sandstorm won't last so long. Put the CC in a cheese cloth, or fine mesh bag, and put it in the bucket(s) with the sand you're going to use. Stir it up frequently, keep it warm, and a bubble stone wouldn't hurt. That way, the bacteria will already be on the sand when you dump it in, and most of it will sink, and hopefully the rest will follow soon.
I should've done mine this way, but I learned the hard way... HTH:)